The Mini U

Hello my friend, nice to meet you. I believe your on the right track. I personally am a autodidact type of researcher & learner. It's amazing what & how you can learn if you put forth hard work & much effort. Thank goodness for library's & google. I like what Malcom Gladwell an author of a book called "Outliers" said, that basically genius is 10,000 hours of putting forth effort to a specific talent or subject of learning. Any way, I'm working on research & a book called "Earth, The Mini Universe, & The Dual Nature of Light." My research is based on pure factual science. It shows how we, you & I are amazing "Mini Universes" similarly fasioned after the "Macro Universe." For just a simple example of this. 1 cell from the mom & 1 cell from the dad, thats 1 + 1
This very simple equation, it turns into what I call the "Big Bang," & a human beings turns into not 100s, not 1,000s not 1,000,000,000, we are talking 100s of trillions + cells. So 1+ 1 turns into trillions. This is just the human cells. In each cell their is an amazing world going on as well.
I also call us "Light" literally captured light. It has to do with fluid dynamics. We are also (spacetime.) Any who I could go on & on because it's a passion of mine. Ok my interest in contacting you is to bounce off of you some of my reaserch, to see if what I"ve discovered make any sense. What do I know, I've only received my GED from a community college. Basical I believe I've put together many other discovery's alight and formed a unique way of observing our place in the Macro Universe or big picture. I also believe as Albert Einstein said, "Explain things to me as simple as possible, but things that arent simple." He also said "If you cant explain things simply, you don't understand them." Further more Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication." In the science's, Acums Razor states something like, the simplest explination is usually the most correct one statistically speaking. So I think my research can do this. Please let me know if you can counsel with me? Im working on A book to put all this research together.
PS. By the way if not for a sharp instrument all of human kind would still be connected; but I say we still are connected, (wirelessly) Peace!
PS. I did most of my studies & research while I collaborated with fellows from the California Institute of Technology & Jet Propulsion Laboratory, while living in Pasadena California USA.
Lastly my research shows that this "Magnetosphere" of our planet Earth equals Light. This is the part were fluid dynamics comes into play, using James Clerk Maxwells equations. Just like the Earth has a magnetic field, or light, we, humans have this same phenomenon going on within & without us. Cool, a. Peace!


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